Friday, April 8, 2011

Scheduled vs. Actual

scheduled: breakfast - french toast; dinner - zucchini & chickpea ratatouille
actual: french toast for bfast, & a late lunch & snacks & light leftovers for dinner

scheduled: general tso tofu
actual: zucchini & chickpea ratatouille (I had already made it Sunday!)

scheduled: supreme pizza quinoa casserole
actual: general tso tofu

scheduled: mexican lasagna
actual: lasagna toss

scheduled & actual: leftovers

scheduled: stuffed peppers
actual: tortilla quiche (recipe to follow soon!)
scheduled: leftovers (we are going to a picnic so we probably won't need a huge meal)

I posted this to show that I am no pro at menu planning.  Obviously I changed the meal plans quite a bit this week.  I realized that I had ingredients that would go bad if I waited to use them, so I changed things up a bit.... Eventually I'll get better at this!  I consider it a HUGE success that we eat every meal at home these days.... In IN, we ate the majority of our meals out!

1 comment:

The Beard's said...

HA I'm not the only one. I've been stumped lately when it comes to cooking!